Murphy tattletale wiring
Murphy tattletale wiring

murphy tattletale wiring

Some models have both make and break contacts. Configurations are available for contact make or contact break to cause shutdown. Energized to run models allow Closed Loop circuitry. Models are available to operate from battery power, 120 VAC, conventional magnetos and capacitor discharge type ignitions. Features Magnetic switches and Tattletale annunciators described in this bulletin are electrically tripped relay type devices. For electric motor application, various magnetic switches are available to operate the motor starter, holding coil directly or in conjunction with appropriate Murphy Transformer-Relay assembly. Magnetic switches and Tattletale annunciators can make or break circuits for these engines. Diesel engines are shut down by either closing off the fuel or air supply. Some models can also trip fuel valves instead of or in addition to grounding the ignition. For magneto or CD ignitions the magnetic switch grounds the ignition output. For distributor ignition engines, the magnetic switch opens the distributor coil circuit to cause shutdown. Various circuits, time delays and contact configurations are available to match the power source and mode of operation required for alarm only, alarm before shutdown or shutdown only. Application Magnetic switches and Tattletale annunciators are available for use with engines or electric motors. Magnetic switches operate basically as a latching relay. Tattletale annunciators indicate which monitored function failed leading to the alarm or shutdown magnetic switches do not. These switches are the electrical load carrying devices for the alarm or shutdown device. Tattletale annunciators and magnetic switches are the nerve centers that translate Swichgage contact operations into decisions and operate the alarm or shutdown device. MURPHY, LTDĬhurch Rd Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ UK Phone: +44 1722 410055 Fax: +44 1722 410088 E-mail: Web site: 77 23rd Street Hangzhou Economic & Technological Development Area Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, China Phone: + 6060 Fax: + 8878įax: Product Guaranteed - Imported from USA

murphy tattletale wiring

With terminal “G” not grounded, the time delay operates both on start and stop. NOTE 1: With terminal “G” grounded, the time delay operates only on start after the initial time delay, the shut-down circuit is operated immediately when SWICHGAGE® contact operates. Typical Wiring Diagram with 760A and 761APH 760A/761APH 20P Pressure **Normally Opened terminal is available on the 518APH & 518E models.


Starter Rack Pull Solenoid (RP2300 Series shown) *Jumper is to be removed when connecting a CLOSEDLOOP™ circuit. Typical Wiring with 518PH TATTLETALE® CLOSEDLOOP™ Wiring* Typical Wiring Diagram with MS2100 TATTLETALE® 20P Pressure


To Magnetic Sensor, Alternator “Tach” Terminal, or Signal Generator Typical Wiring Tech Sheet for Magnetic Switches and TATTLETALE® Annunciators Typical Wiring Diagram with 117/117PH Magnetic Switch 20T Temperature

Murphy tattletale wiring